
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dinner in a Pumpkin
4- small bakers pumpkins
1/2 pound ground beef- or favorite ground meat of choice (bison, turkey, chicken)
1 package of Lipton’s onion soup mix
1 table spoon of chopped garlic
1 teaspoon of ground cumin
2 small tomatoes
1/2 yellow onion chopped
1/2 cup of frozen spinach
2 cup stuffing already made boxed or homemade
1/2 grated parmesan
oven pre-heat 360

Meat Mixture
ground meat in a bowl add
add onion soup mix, garlic, cumin, dash of salt
chop onion & tomatoes into small pieces add to meat
add spinach
mash with your clean hands

Prep Pumpkins
cut the tops off your pumpkins save tops for decoration
scoop out the inside and even carve little into the walls of the pumpkins

Take your meat mixture and divide into 4 parts after it is mixed together
Stuff the meat mixture into each pumpkin
Top each pumpkin with 1/2” cup of stuffing 
Place pumpkins in a sprayed baking dish

Cover the baking dish and place in the oven bake for 40 minutes
Uncover sprinkle parmesan cheese on top and cook another 10-15 minutes uncovered

let rest for 2-5 minutes then transfer to plates

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Twist on Minestrone Soup
8-10 tomatoes
1 yellow onion
2 green bell peppers
1 table spoon chopped garlic
1 table spoon oregano
slice of parmesan cheese 
1/2” cup of black beans
1/2” cup of lentils
3 cups chicken stock
2 cups favorite pasta cooked al dente

Prep Beans
wash and soak beans over night

Start with a big soup pot
drizzle olive oil in the bottom
cut 6 of the tomatoes up into quarters (whatever size you think your blender of handheld blender can handle)
cut the yellow onion up and throw both the onion and the tomatoes 
in the pot on medium heat don’t let them burn
cut the green peppers up and throw them in there too….. 
stir- cook for 10 min on medium heat
while that is breaking down 

Prep more Tomatoes
cut the rest of your tomatoes up and lie them flat on a cookie sheet 
drizzle them with olive oil and garlic salt bake 360 for 15 minutes

back to the pot 
add garlic & oregano
add chicken stock
stir and cook for another 5-10 minutes
puree the soup mixture (with handheld or blender return to the pot)
add black beans & lentils
cut the rind off the slice of parmesan and add just the rind to your soup
stir and keep heat medium to low
watch and stir for the next 55 minutes

chop roasted tomatoes add to pot
grate the rest of your parmesan cheese add half of it to the pot
leave the rest for garnish

cook for 20-30 minutes
add your favorite al dente pasta stir and take off heat
ready to eat sprinkle fresh parmesan over the top.